Apr 21, 2012
Our guest today is Dr. Carolyn Porco, a planetary scientist who
led the imaging team in studying and interpreting the images from
the Cassini/Huygens mission to Saturn and its moon Titan. She
is senior research scientist at the space science institute in
boulder, CO, adjunct prof at U of Colorado and U of Arizona. Her
scholarly work as well as her efforts to convey science education
and literacy to the public has won her many awards and
recognitions. These include the Carl Sagan Medal from the American
Astronmomical Society for Excellence in the communication of
Science to the Public. In 2008 Wired Magazine named her one of 15
people the next president should listen to.
Dr. Carolyn Porco joins Justin Trottier at The Star Spot to discuss
everything about Saturn: the mission, the moons, the rings, the
possibility of life on Enceladus, and the momentous touchdown on
Titan. She also shares her passion for science education and her
special sense of the spiritual.
In Current in Space, guest journalist Amanda Gadke discusses the final adventure of the Discovery Space Shuttle.
Visit www.starspotpodcast.com for more details.