Sep 8, 2014
Feature Guest: Pauline Barmby
Just like the cities of our world, galaxies are the busy and
over-crowded population centres where so much of the action takes
place in our universe. The study of globular clusters and starburst
galaxies are providing new insights into the how these cities of
the cosmos were built. To share with us new discoveries from the
Spitzer space telescope, including gossip about the weird behaviour
of our next door metropolis, the Andromeda Galaxy, today I’m joined
at the star spot by Pauline Barmby.
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About Our Guest
Pauline Barmby is an observational astrophysicist and associate professor in the department of physics and astronomy at the University of Western Ontario. She worked at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, the Canada France hawaii telescope and is a member of the instrument team for IRAC, the InfraRed Array Camera on the Spitze Space Telescope. In her spare time Dr. Barmby gives public talks clarifying misconceptions about astronomy. She is a science fiction enthusiast and enjoys listening to podcasts, perhaps including the star spot.