Jan 7, 2019
Feature Guest: Rayna Slobodian
As we dream of space, we must remain anchored to humanity. Space
exploration is a human story, and music may be the perfect medium
to capture the emotive drama of discovery, risk and the mystery of
the unknown. Today we’re joined here at The Star Spot by
singer-songwriter, space ethicist, homelessness researcher and all
around geek, Rayna Slobodian, for a far-ranging discussion that,
while focused on space music, is ultimately about bringing space
exploration down to Earth.
About Our Guest
Rayna Slobodian is a singer-songwriter whose music combines her love of space exploration with her passion for ethics, justice and human imagination. Her album Space Stories is available on iTunes and YouTube. She is a psychology and anthropology masters student at York University, focusing on research into the reporting of homelessness in Canada.