Sep 3, 2018
Featured Guest: André Müller
Astronomers have taken their first image of an infant planet still developing around a newly formed star. Today we’re joined here at The Star Spot by André Müller, whose team is busy studying this baby world and has already discovered evidence of an atmosphere and possibly even moons, astounding knowledge of such a tiny speck 370 light years from Earth.
On a personal note, I want to dedicate this special 150th episode of The Star Spot to my amazing wife Denise and to our own newborn wonder, Lara Fong Trottier. Thank you for being the stars in my universe.
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About Our Guest
André Müller is a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck
Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany. He has also
conducted research at the European Southern Observatory in Chile.
His interests revolve around young stellar objects and extrasolar